

Brea McCauley, Dennis Sandgathe, and Mark Collard. A cross-cultural survey of on-site fire use by recent hunter-gatherers: Implications for research on Palaeolithic pyrotechnology. Journal of Palaeolithic Archaeology. [PDF].


W. Chris Carleton, Brea McCauley, André Costopoulos, and Mark Collard. Agent-based model experiments cast doubt on Dunnell’s adaptive waste explanation for cultural elaboration. STAR: Science and Technology of Archaeological Research, 5(1): 1-17. [PDF].

Brea McCauley. “Life Expectancy in Hunter-Gatherers” In: T. Shackelford and V. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Evolutionary Psychological Sciences, Springer Verlag.


Brea McCauley, David Maxwell, and Mark Collard. A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Upper Palaeolithic Hand Images with Missing Fingers. Journal of Palaeolithic Archaeology, 1(4):314-333. [PDF]

In Press

Brea McCauley and Mark Collard. “Finger Amputation Customs: Where, When, Who, How, and Why” In: F. Manni & F. D’Errico (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Body Modification. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Mark Collard and Brea McCauley. “Religious Sacrifice in the Ice Age? On Ritual Finger Amputation as a Potential explanation for the Gravettian Hand Images with Incomplete Fingers” In: S. Hussain and G. Dusselforp (Eds.), Sitting on the Fence: Negotiating Archaeology, Palaeoanthropology, Archaeology, and Philosophy.

In Prep

Brea McCauley, David Maxwell, and Mark Collard. Ancient Maya finger caches: A survey. [Intended for Journal of Anthropological Archaeology]

Jeremy Beller, Brea McCauley, Dennis Sandgathe, and Mark Collard. Neanderthal hunting strategies for small, medium, and large game: Insights from recent hunter-gatherers. [Intended for Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology]

Conference Presentations


Brea McCauley and Mark Collard. Finger amputation: A transdisciplinary study. [Podium] Society for American Anthropology / Canadian Anthropology Society Conference. Toronto, Canada.

Brea McCauley and Mark Collard. Finger amputation in the ethno-historic, archaeological, and folktale records. [Podium] Czech Academy of Science, Institute of Archaeology Seminar Series.

Brea McCauley and Mark Collard. Finger Amputation in the Ethno-Historic, Archaeological, and Folktale Records. [Podium + Session Organizer]. Society for American Archaeology 88th Annual Meeting. Portland, U.S.A.


Brea McCauley, Fiona Jordan, Seán Roberts, Dimitris Xygalatas, and Mark Collard. Why Do People Engage in Permanent Body Modification? A Multidisciplinary Review. [Podium]. 4th Cultural Evolution Society Conference. Aarhus, Denmark.


Brea McCauley, David Maxwell, and Mark Collard. Finger Amputation Rituals among the Ancient Maya. [Poster]. 15th Annual Conference of the European Evolution and Human Behaviour Association. Krakow, Poland. (Accepted but event cancelled due to COVID-19).

Brea McCauley and Mark Collard. A Global Survey of Incomplete Hand Images in Rock Art. [Podium + Session Co-Organizer]. 9th Annual World Archaeological Congress. Prague, Czech Republic. (Accepted but event cancelled due to COVID-19).


Brea McCauley, David Maxwell, and Mark Collard. Finger amputation practices among the Ancient Maya [Podium]. 31st Annual Human Behaviour and Evolution Society Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.

Brea McCauley, David Maxwell, and Mark Collard. Incomplete handprints in Upper Palaeolithic cave art: An ethnological perspective [Podium + Session Chair]. 84th Annual Society for American Archaeology Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Brea McCauley, David Maxwell, and Mark Collard. Incomplete handprints in Upper Palaeolithic cave art: An ethnological perspective [Invited Podium]. SFU Faculty of Environment Research Round-up. Burnaby, Canada.


Brea McCauley, David Maxwell, and Mark Collard. Incomplete handprints in Upper Palaeolithic cave art: An ethnological perspective [Podium]. 2nd Annual Cultural Evolution Society Conference. Tempe, Arizona.

Brea McCauley, Chris Carleton, André Costopoulos, and Mark Collard. Waste not wanted: testing Dunnell’s waste hypothesis with an agent-based model [Podium]. 30th Annual Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Brea McCauley, Dennis Sandgathe, and Mark Collard. Assessing archaeological assumptions about fire use through ethnographic survey [Podium]. 10th Annual International Young Archaeologists Conference. Vardzia, Georgia.

Brea McCauley. Ritualized finger amputation globally and among the Classic Maya. 3rd Annual Power of Future Minds event, University Women’s Club. Vancouver, Canada.

Brea McCauley, Dennis Sandgathe, and Mark Collard. Assessing archaeological assumptions about fire use through ethnographic survey [Podium]. 1st Annual SFU Faculty of Environment Graduate Research Day. Burnaby, Canada. 


Brea McCauley and Mark Collard. A test of competing hypotheses concerning the impact of demography on cultural evolution [Podium]. 1st Annual Cultural Evolution Society Conference. Jena, Germany.

Brea McCauley and Mark Collard. A test of competing hypotheses concerning the impact of demography on cultural evolution [Podium]. 29th Annual Meeting of the Human Behaviour and Evolution Society. Boise, U.S.A.

Brea McCauley and Mark Collard. A test of competing hypotheses concerning the impact of demography on cultural evolution [Podium]. Society for American Archaeology 82nd Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.

Community Presentations


Brea McCauley. Rituals at the Razor’s Edge. A Cross-Cultural Perspective of Permanent Body Modification. [Invited Podium]. SFU Alumni Services Unafraid of the Dark: SFU Research for All Hallow’s Eve. Burnaby, British Columbia.


Brea McCauley. Ritualized finger amputation globally and among the Classic Maya. 3rd Annual Power of Future Minds event, University Women’s Club. Vancouver, Canada.